Webinar Series

Sign up to the next in the series and get access to all of them!

7th August 2024

How to Get Finance in 2024 with Dave Windler. Getting money is always changing. Get the latest info!

14th August 2024

Steve is joined by Scott Wells to discuss what it is like to build a growing property business.

21st August 2024

Matthew Gilligan is the countries leading Structures & Tax expert. With things changing - it's an important one.

28th August 2024

Adding value will never stop working - but how do you do it profitably? Let's look at some examples!

4th September 2024

Shane Carruthers is a leading real estate agent in the investment field. Here's how to list a good offer.

11th September 2024

For those of you coming along to the main event at Eden Park. Come to this short pre-event webinar!

Your Host

Steve Goodey, Property Coach

With over 30 years of experience in property investment and having coached 1000's of property investors - Steve shares his knowledge to help Kiwi's get to the next level of property investment. His friendly and story based style is enjoyable to watch!


Mark Trafford

Mark Trafford has been in the property investment industry for over 35 years, he has renovated thousands of properties both here and in the UK both personally and through his company that he founded MTP.


Mark Trafford

Mark Trafford has been in the property investment industry for many years he’s a proficient trader and renovator. He’s also one of the founders of maintain to profit and the Northshore franchisee.

Don't miss the Webinars!

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