Next Intake - 18 August 2024

Steve Goodey Coaching Programme



Using over 25 years of experience Steve & his team work with a small number of clients each year to coach them to success.

Perhaps you've watched my Facebook videos or attended one of my events? With over 25 years as an investor and 15 years teaching others, I thrive on my passion and enjoy helping others succeed.

This isn’t my first rodeo - I’ve been around the block (a couple of times). I have seen people succeed when the market is up & when it is down. There is always a way to win in property.

If you're serious about growing as a property investor, hitting your goals and building your legacy then apply for my programme.

I truly believe you don’t need a coach to be successful...... but it bloody helps. It makes the learning curve faster, you take less falls, you make better decisions - life’s too short to mess around.

I personally don't think there is a more enjoyable industry to be part of than the property industry.

Working with me and my team buys you speed, a second set of eyes on your deals, new strategies and a committed community that are moving in the same direction.

We only take on 60 clients a year to work with me and my expert team.

So if you're ready to stop playing in the kiddie pool and step up? Watch my webinar on the programme below and speak to one of my team to see if you are a fit for the programme.

Private and personalised property coaching for Kiwi’s

So first things first, I'm not going to try to sell you on working with me and my team. I'm simply going to tell

you who my coaching is for …and who it’s NOT for.


  • People who are active in property, who are currently investing or want to get very actively involved.

  • People with an income stream already who really want to turn it into quality income-producing assets.

  • People who want to eliminate the time-for-money life, add regular truly passive income to their portfolios, and join the top 2% of investors.

  • People who value helping others and contributing to their marketplace just as much as they value making money.

  • People who know their portfolios can grow, and who are willing to work to make that happen.

  • People who are already successful, and want to double their income & their time off.

  • People who will work their ass off for a few short years and take it easy 'choosing' what they do for the rest of their lives.


  • People who are just in this for the money, and don’t care about the results that all members of the group get.

  • People who use deceptive practices, or smell dodgy in any way.

  • People who are just getting started, and haven’t done anything at all yet (but we can talk about other great coaching options for you)

Let me be brutally honest 👈👈

You have to be prepared to put in the work.

Plus, you’ll be required to actually invest in property…and share your results. (To be read “do what you’re told”.) What else? You will be asked to share your learnings and help fellow members out – there is only ever 20 at one time so you will be in an exclusive group – You will learn from them too.

This is not a learn lot’s of stuff and sit on your hands course. We take on a maximum of 100 members a year across New Zealand.

Want to work with Steve & his team?

Have a read below and see if this is what you're looking for

Private and personalised property coaching for Kiwi’s

So first things first, I'm not going to try to sell you on working with me. I'm simply going to tell
you who my coaching is for …and who it’s NOT for.

This Coaching Is For:

  • People who are active in property, who are currently investing or want to get very actively involved.

  • People with an income stream already who really want to turn it into quality income-producing assets.

  • People who want to eliminate the time-for-money life, add regular truly passive income to their portfolios, and join the top 2% of investors.

  • People who value helping others and contributing to their marketplace just as much as they value making money.

  • People who know their portfolios can grow, and who are willing to work to make that happen.

  • People who are already successful, and want to double their income & their time off.

  • People who will work their ass off for a few short years and take it easy 'choosing' what they do for the rest of their lives.

This Coaching Is NOT For:

  • People who are just in this for the money, and don’t care about the results that all members of the group get.

  • People who use deceptive practices, or smell dodgy in any way.

  • People who are just getting started, and haven’t done anything yet but we can talk about other great coaching options for you

Let me be brutally honest:

You have to be prepared

to put in the work.

Plus, you’ll be required to actually invest in property…and share your results. (To be read “do what you’re told”.) What else? You will be asked to share your learnings and help fellow members out – there is only ever 20 at one time so you will be in an exclusive group – You will learn from them too.



Who Does Steve Goodey Help?


Maybe you are starting out, own your own home and have always had a feeling you wanted to get into property.

But it has never been quite the right time.

Fear has held you back. The first step is sometimes the hardest.

But you are going nowhere others have not been.

Working with us, shortens the learning curve to success.


Maybe you’ve been investing for a while and have multiple properties.

But your equity is locked up and you are struggling to continue doing deals.

The banks are being a pain!

This is common. You have to think outside the box, use new strategies and have the right people on your team.

We can help you.


Maybe you have a well cash flowed business or a great job.

You realise property is where you should build wealth.

Maybe a passive income for retirement or a legacy for your children’s future.

I just got my son Cam (19) into his first home - man it feels good.

With our strategies you can get the most for your time & turn that cashflow into something solid.

confidence to invest

"Coaching with Steve was the first step in my property journey - and it changed my life. He gave me the confidence to invest and I now work full time in the industry.."

Shane Carruthers, Nexus Property


TO KNOW About Steve Goodey

I've been a full time property investor since 1999 and have at one time averaged a property renovation every 9 days for a whole year.

I invest in large scale multi–income residential properties, buy and holds, trades and more.

For over 15 years now, I have committed to imparting my depth of knowledge and experience in effective property investment strategies that have supported others in generating wealth through numerous property cycles.

As one of New Zealand’s leading property investment presenters you may have seen me in the New Zealand Property Investor magazine, The Herald, Sunday Star Times, Dominion Post and Christchurch Press, as well as appearing on Campbell Live(when it existed) and TVNZ news.

In 2022 I spoke at every branch of the New Zealand Property Investor Association and was the keynote speaker at the 2023 national Property Investors Association conference.


TO KNOW About Steve Goodey

Steve has been a full time property investor since 1999 and has at one time completed a property renovation every 9 days. He invests in large scale multi–income residential properties, small to medium commercial investments, as well as being involved in many residential apartment developments.

For over 14 years now, Steve has committed to imparting his tremendous depth of knowledge and experience in effective property investment strategies that have seen him and others generate wealth through numerous property cycles.

As one of New Zealand’s leading property investment presenters Steve has been approached for commentary by many national media outlets, such as the New Zealand Property Investor magazine, The Herald, Sunday Star Times, Dominion Post and Christchurch Press, as well as appearing on Campbell Live and TVNZ news.

In 2022 speaking at every branch of the New Zealand Property Investor Association and a keynote speaker at the 2023 national Property Investors Association conference.

It’s just a big level up

What motivated you to join this programme?

"The game had changed and we hadn't changed with it. We wanted to increase the pace of our property investing, and needed a new strategy."

What value have you gained from the programme up to this point?

"The real value has been the coaching, educational events and the other group members. Having the ability to reach out to so many experts when we face problems or new challenges has been massive and having a large number of like minded people drives you to keep going."

What results or milestones have you achieved since starting the programme?

"We have added several new rental incomes and an owner occupier. We have also completed Steve's 100 million dollars in offers challenge."

Scott and Kayla, Auckland

It’s just a big level up

What motivated you to join this program?

"The game had changed and we hadn't changed with it. We wanted to increase the pace of our property investing, and needed a new strategy."

What value have you gained from the program up to this point?

"The real value has been the coaching, educational events and the other group members. Having the ability to reach out to so many experts when we face problems or new challenges has been massive and having a large number of like minded people drives you to keep going."

What results or milestones have you achieved since starting the program?

"We have added several new rental incomes and an owner occupier. We have also completed Steve's 100 million dollars in offers challenge."

Scott and Kayla, Wellington

Want to Skip the Queue?

If you know you want in and are ready to talk to one of my team to see if you are the right fit for the programme. Click the link below. They can answer any of your questions as well.

Here's how it works:

First, you’ll need to enter your REAL email address below.

You'll then have the opportunity to book a 15 minute call. This call will allow my team to see if we're the right fit and I can actually help you succeed.

I don’t work with people unless I know I can help them to win (watch my video after booking your call).

I will also be asking you some questions on a short application form. Be honest. I don’t do bullshit – neither should you. I can only coach you powerfully if you are clear on where you are and where you want to go. I don’t do fluff.

One, I’ll decide we’re not a good match and I’ll let you know politely. Or two, I’ll decide we MIGHT be a good match and someone from my office will schedule a call to see if we really are.

Nobody will pressure you or hassle you. If you want in, great. If not, no problem. I only work with a limited number of clients at a time and we both have to want to work together.

Coaching with me is fully virtual using the phone and with my team and we are starting to introduce live private events.

I’m only looking for high-performers to work with. I’ll review applications on a first come, first-serve basis (note clients renew each year so spots get more and more limited).

Complete the form below

to get started

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© 2024

  • Steve Goody
  • Steve Goody